A British and Commonwealth Women's Organization

Eccles Cakes
Eccles cakes originated in Eccles, Lancashire (just outside Manchester)

Frozen flaky pastry
2 TBSP butter
2 TBSP brown sugar
3/4 cup currants
2 TBSP mixed candied peel, chopped (optional)
pinch nutmeg
pinch allspice
1 beaten egg white
sugar to sprinkle
Preheat oven to 425*
Stir sugar into melted butter
Add currants, peel, nutmeg and allspice
Roll out pastry very thinly and cur 6" rounds (use a saucer)
Heap filling in the middle of each round (makes about 8 - 10 cakes - divide the filling between them)
Dampen the edges, draw up the pastry over the filling, pinch together, turn over and flatten with rolling pin until a few currants show through
Make 2 or 3 small cuts on top of each cake
Brush with egg white and sprinkle with sugar
Place on parchment paper on baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes or until golden.
These delicious cakes have been made in the town of Eccles for centuries. The first week of September was traditionally the time of the Eccles Wake, when the cakes were sold.
They must be good, because they were banned by the Puritans! The people
of Eccles danced on the Green, so the Puritans forbade the eating of eccles cakes at religious festivals. Fortunately (for future generations!) they ignored the embargo and continued to secretly bake and eat.